A small kitten with a strong determination to survive blossomed into a beautiful cat.

When Lulu, the tiny calico kitty, arrived at Best Friends Felines, she was in a sorry state – covered in fleas, filled with worms, and looking like a mere shadow of herself. Avril, a caring vet nurse, swooped in to rescue the poor kitten from her dire situation. With determination in her heart, Avril was set on giving Lulu a fighting chance at a better life. “We were ready to do whatever it takes to help her thrive and live a happy, healthy life,” Nikki from Best Friends Felines revealed to Love Meow.
Lulu was so frail and hungry that she had resorted to eating her own fur just to stay alive. Despite facing all these hardships, she held on with all her strength. “She was so skinny that her bones stuck out visibly, showing just how tough her journey had been.”

Close companions Felines
A young feline was taken in by a foster family for continuous care. Their sole focus was ensuring the kitten’s survival. Lulu was fed with kitten formula and introduced to regular kitten food while receiving treatment for various health problems.
Weighing only half of what she should, there were doubts about the kitten’s chances of recovery. Nevertheless, they were resolute in their efforts to rescue her. For a few weeks, it was a critical situation as the kitten slowly regained her strength and began to gain weight.

Lulu’s growth brought out her lively nature and unique character. The calico quickly transformed into a constant purr machine, craving affection and attention from those around her. Nikki described her as small in size but with a huge personality that captivates anyone she encounters.

Top Feline Companions
“Lulu exudes fearlessness and adores both humans and fellow furry companions. Her bold and confident demeanor is complemented by her vibrant personality.”
With a spring in her step, Lulu eagerly sought out new friends to mingle with, opting to be introduced to a furry pal of her own stature.

At Best Friends Felines, Beth shared a heartwarming story about her foster kitten, Peach, who had a difficult beginning. Despite their rough starts, Peach and Lulu formed an instant bond when they met. Lulu showered Peach with the same care and affection she had received, proving to be a crucial source of support. Over time, both felines thrived, gaining weight and growing stronger with each passing day.

Best Friends Felines
The lovely calico cat truly thrived in her temporary foster home. Not only did she bring joy to her human companions, but she also formed close bonds with other furry pals. Lulu made fast friends with two dogs in her foster family, and they were like peas in a pod.
“She is a stunning girl with a heartwarming personality to boot. Despite a rough beginning, she has made remarkable progress.”

Best friends Felines
When the time came for the calico cat to find her forever home, Lulu didn’t have to search for long. Reece, a kind man, instantly fell in love with the adorable feline.

Recently, a lovely calico cat found her forever home after leaving the shelter over the weekend. Her new owner, Reece, shared that she enjoys playtime at 3AM and insists on sleeping right by his side or even on top of him.

The new addition to the family, Lulu, who is now affectionately called Ciri, quickly made herself at home and wasted no time in asserting her dominance in her new territory.

In the following months, the calico kitten blossomed into a stunning fluffy cat with a charming personality.
“It’s truly incredible to see her transformation. Ciri is not just a pet, she’s my closest companion, and I’m grateful for all the efforts put in by Best Friends Felines.”

Reece, as shared by Best Friends Felines, has blossomed into a beautiful and affectionate girl thanks to the extra love and care she received.

Reece’s journey shared by Best Friends Felines is one worth spreading to your circle. Connect with Best Friends Felines on social media – give them a follow on Facebook and Instagram!