Compassionate individuals decided to adopt a lonely kitten that had been overlooked by everyone else, giving her the opportunity to enjoy a life filled with love and happiness as she explores the world in her own charming manner.

Meet Tula, the adorable tabby kitten who captured the hearts of the rescue community late last year. A kind-hearted individual found her in a sorry state, with her eyes severely damaged and her belly empty. Luckily, she was brought to safety and the word was spread to find her a loving home.
Marie, the dedicated founder of One Cat at a Time, immediately offered to help Tula. The little kitten was taken in, given the name Tula, and provided with the urgent veterinary care she needed. At only 5-6 weeks old, Tula was nothing but skin and bones, but her spirit remained strong as she happily purred and kneaded on her new cozy blanket.
Thanks to the efforts of caring individuals and the support of One Cat at a Time, Tula now has a second chance at a happy and healthy life. Let’s all root for Tula as she embarks on her journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

Taking care of Tula was a priority, as she required surgery to remove both of her eyes once she reached the right size. The team noted that Tula had a lovely personality, demonstrating her resilience by eating well and showing affection when she was petted. It was truly remarkable to witness the strength and adaptability of animals like her.

She felt overjoyed to have a soft bed and fluffy blankets to knead on all by herself. Every moment was spent basking in the comfort of her surroundings, feeling grateful for the endless supply of food and a snug, warm bed. With the right medication and plenty of rest, she began to gain weight and regain her strength.
Tula, the tiny one-pounder, happily spent her days paddling away on her cozy blankets. Her purrs and meows of contentment seemed to express her gratitude, knowing she was in caring hands.

Tula had an eye operation, thanks to the help of the community. She was a tiny but mighty kitty who showed incredible strength and determination. Despite being blind, Tula embraced her new life with gusto. Her insatiable hunger kept her energetic and mischievous.

In no time at all, she recovered and transformed into a little snuggle buddy. Tula, the cat, loves both playing and cuddling, with a special liking for lounging on her human’s chest. She relies on her senses to explore and familiarize herself with the home. Tula has found plenty of cozy spots to nap in, with one favorite being the highest perch on a cat tree.

She exudes fearlessness and a playful spirit, taking life one moment at a time. Tula, a lovable cat, is a true adventurer with a courageous heart. Known to be a cuddle bug, she has charmed everyone she has encountered at the vet’s office with her bold personality. She is not hesitant to ask for affection and cuddles whenever she pays a visit.

She discovered a cozy place to rest on a cat tower, taking her sweet time. One feline at a moment, she relished spending quality time with Olivia, a vet assistant. She snuggled under Olivia’s sweatshirt and dozed off peacefully.

During a visit to the vet, Tula and Olivia cuddled closely together. The moment showcased the bond between the two feline companions.
The story of Tula is a reminder of the incredible resilience of animals. When she first arrived, she was in a fragile state with two injured eyes. Despite her struggles, she proved that she deserved a chance to thrive.
Tula may be blind, but that doesn’t hinder her in living a fulfilling and happy life. It’s a testament to the strength and adaptability of animals, teaching humans valuable lessons along the way.

Tula has evolved into a stunning young feline. From a frail kitten to a thriving, beautiful cat, her remarkable transformation has captivated countless individuals on social platforms.

Feeling joyful and adored
Changing lives, one cat at a time
Spread the word to your buddies. For more updates on Tula the kitty and One Cat at a Time, check out their profiles on Instagram and Facebook.