Four adorable kittens entered the world in a cozy garage. Their fate took a turn for the better when compassionate individuals welcomed them into their homes.

Midge, Maeve, Mason, and Maybelle were the adorable quartet born to a feral cat who sought shelter in a garage. The unsuspecting homeowner discovered the four kittens, three tortoiseshells, and one ginger, when they were just over a week old.
Unfortunately, the mother cat vanished, leaving the homeowner with the daunting task of trying to bottle-feed the tiny felines with a cast on her arm. Despite her best efforts, she was struggling to keep up with the demands of caring for four hungry babies.
Thankfully, Kelsey, a dedicated foster volunteer at IndyHumane, received a call for help and wasted no time in springing into action to ensure the well-being of the orphaned kittens.

Kelsey from Penny and the Fosters recounted how she brought the kittens home from the caretaker and how they quickly adapted to their new environment. The fluffy babies were well-fed and pampered in their warm incubator, receiving love and care all day and night. Kelsey admitted that feeding them at midnight became her favorite time of day, as it was a peaceful and enjoyable bonding experience for both her and the kittens. The milk-drunk cuddle sessions before bedtime were always a delight for everyone involved.

Mason and his siblings, Maybelle, Midge, and Maeve, all showed their unique personalities early on. While Maeve was the most relaxed and sweet, Mason, the ginger kitten, was always in need of a butt bath due to his long fur. Despite being the target of Midge’s playful antics, he remained a good-natured kitten.
Kelsey, who runs the account @pennyandthefosters, shared how Penny, a cat-friendly dog, stepped in to help babysit the kittens while she changed their bedding. Penny took her role seriously, ensuring that the kittens were clean and free of any formula residue on their faces. It was heartwarming to see the animals come together to care for each other.

Penny, the furry housemate, lovingly licked each little kitten’s face clean. Under the care of Kelsey at @pennyandthefosters, the kittens thrived on nutritious meals and heaps of tender loving care. They soon outgrew their cozy incubator and upgraded to a spacious playpen. Eagerly, they ventured out, their tails wagging in excitement. Every corner was thoroughly inspected, every toy playfully engaged with.

The new kittens in their play area
Kelsey sharing on her social media @pennyandthefosters
Exploring their new space, the kittens eventually snuggled up together and dozed off.
While Kelsey was away, fellow foster volunteer Brett graciously hosted the group of four at his place. His own cats warmly accepted the newcomers.

Strauss, the orange feline, became the unofficial mentor for the kittens, guiding them around the house and lounging beside them during nap time. Thanks to the cats’ guidance, the kittens were able to explore their surroundings and showcase their unique personalities.

The little cats love spending time with their buddy Strauss, the feline friend. According to @pennyandthefosters, Kelsey mentioned how Maybelle and Mason now join the early morning rush for breakfast with the resident kitties. Maeve prefers to sleep in the kitten room but joins in the fun later in the day for playtime, adventures, and snuggles. Midge still enjoys playfully wrestling with Mason whenever she can.

Maybelle, Midge, and Maeve, also known as Kelsey’s lovely cats from @pennyandthefosters, have mastered the art of dining from a bowl and have proudly crossed the one-pound mark. They playfully frolic and engage in friendly wrestling matches, filling the house with their lively antics and limitless energy.
These adorable kitties have even managed to conquer the couch and reach the window sill, where they can relax and watch their favorite feline shows with pure joy.

Kelsey from @pennyandthefosters shares that the kittens absolutely love their humans, following them around the house until they finally find a cozy spot on their lap. They have a habit of turning anyone who sits down into a makeshift kitten blanket. Thanks to the compassionate efforts of the person who found them and the volunteers, all four kittens are doing extremely well and thriving.

Maybelle has an attitude that can’t be tamed.
Follow Kelsey on her journey with Penny and the fosters.
A lifetime of love, joy, and spoiling is in store for them.
“It’s comforting to know that there are compassionate individuals who are willing to step in and care for orphaned kittens, helping them thrive into healthy cats.”

Don’t forget to spread the word about this adorable story! For more updates on the kittens and Kelsey’s foster journey, check out our Instagram page @pennyandthefosters and also follow IndyHumane on Instagram for more heartwarming tales.