iilla. Brave Girl Called ‘Hester Is Not A Cat’ Is Always Down For Adventure .iilla

iilla. Brave Girl Called ‘Hester Is Not A Cat’ Is Always Down For Adventure .iilla

Sometimes, the most special cats of all have a way of coming into our lives when we least expect it. They either show up right at our front door, or we catch a glimpse of them and know that things will never be the same again. For one blue-eyed girl named Hester—and also referred to as Hester is Not a Cat on Instagram, she is proof that cats can be daring, brave, and adventurous. She loves water, exploring, and, of course, looking purrfectly adorable for the camera. I caught up with her cat mom hoping to feature this beautiful cat on the site, and thankfully for me, she agreed. So, everyone get to know this cool cat who is loads of fun.

Hester is Not a Cat

How did Hester come into your life?

I adopted Hester out of a van in a Walmart parking lot. I wasn’t planning on getting a cat, but as soon as I saw her little face, big eyes, and giant dome, I knew she was coming home with me. She was about six weeks old.

How did he get her name?

Hetty had the look and the attitude of a feisty old lady in a body smaller than a beanie baby. Hester was the first name that came to mind, and it just stuck. She usually goes by Hester or Hetty, but some other nicknames include: Hets, Hetty Beans, Pester, Sharkitty, Horses, Hesturd, and (for some reason) Pepperidge Farms.

What are her favorite hobbies?

Hester absolutely loves all things adventure related. This includes swimming, climbing trees, going for walks and hikes, road trips, and bike riding (she rides in her backpack). When we are not adventuring outside, she likes playing tag, watching shows about sled dogs, playing with her favorite toy fishing pole, and when it’s too snowy in the winter, she will climb our Christmas tree.

How did you discover that she likes water?

I started taking Hetty in the tub when she was six weeks old in the hopes that I’d eventually be able to take her swimming. She is almost two years old now, so she is very comfortable with water and a confident swimmer, though she seems to prefer floating in her shark life jacket or relaxing while I hold her in the water.

Does she have any dog or cat housemates at home?

Hetty is a very spoiled only pet, but she does have some cat and dog friends that live in the neighborhood and is very calm when she meets new animals. She even approached a deer with curiosity!

Hetty looks like she might have some Siamese cat breed DNA. Is she chatty like the Siamese cats are known for?

Hetty is a mix of 7 breeds according to her DNA test – Domestic Shorthair, Persian, Khaomanee, Korat, and Norwegian Forest Cat. She is not super chatty unless she needs something (if she wants to go outside or come inside, or if she doesn’t know where you are, she will meow as if she’s saying, “Hello!??”).

Hester is Not a Cat
Hester is Not a Cat

What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Hester?

Something special about Hester is that she adores children. She will let any child pick her up and lug her around without trying to scratch or bite them. I don’t have any kids myself, but if she sees any, she will run over and make herself the center of attention.Hester is Not a CatHester is Not a Cat

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