That’s really sweet too cute! Wonderful to have each other as best friends.
How cool! Animals adjust without a thought. This kitten will be a blessing. They can learn together.
Such kindness and love is shared between them. We think this little girl and her kitten’s lives are complete with each other…!

Scarlette Tipton, now two years old, had her ‘left ar.m’ completely [am.puta.ted] because of can.cer when she was 10 months old; Doc, a rescue kitten, had [] her paw after she tried to sleep under the hood of a car to stay warm.
So on Christmas eve, the Tipton family, from California, went to the shelter. The two found each other on Christmas Eve, after the Tipton family learned about the cat on TV. By Wednesday, Doc is adopted and has been part of the family ever since…

Mom Scarlette share: We wanted a little kitten to have [Scarlette] grow up with, so she has something that’s just like her. She did notice that Doc had staples on her side and said ow.ies. I let her know that she had just like her, and she placed her hand on her side and just nodded.
She recognizes that the cat has similar struggles as she does.

So glad they found each other. The kitten will help that little girl in ways that no one else can.
Thank you for giving the kitty a forever loving home.

What a blessing for all and what a wonderful mom she has!
That’s so adorable god’s blessing to you both.
Beautiful happy ending am so pleased they are both together and can be best friends. It’s heartwarming.

Bless their little hearts. So adorable, they now have an amazing love and friendship that will be now forever and eternity. God bless these 2 beautiful babies.
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Read more: “Growing Giants: 20 Adorable Maine Coon Kittens That Hold the Promise of Size and Cuteness”