What’s with some people disliking cats so much, I wonder. We previously covered a story about a woman who kicked her BF out of her flat because she overheard him talking maliciously with her furball. We also wrote about a man who got an ultimatum from his vegan girlfriend who demanded that he give away his cat. Both incidents are hard to wrap your head around and there’s another similar story from this Redditor, u/Astonished_Hound.
“My girlfriend of 2 years moved in with me a few weeks ago and it was clear she didn’t like my cat,” he wrote in a post on r/AITA. But one day he got home and his beloved 3 Y.O. furball Raven, who was not an outdoorsy cat, was gone. As you can imagine, Raven’s owner was sick to his stomach as his friend was gone for hours.
Read on for how the story evolved right below, which ends in a broken relationship and an ex-girlfriend having to move out by the end of the month.
The owner of 3 Y.O. black-furred Raven shared a story of how his girlfriend kicked the cat out of his house
To find out what an expert has to say about the incident, we spoke with Susan Petang, a certified life coach from “The Quiet Zone Coaching.” Susan said that the whole story made her wonder about a couple of things. “First, if this man was dating his girlfriend for 2 years before she moved in, how did he not know she didn’t like the cat? And if she really didn’t like the cat, why did she move in without discussing it with him?”
Susan explained that “This is why it’s so important to have honest conversations with your partner about values, lifestyle, pets, children, etc., sooner rather than later. (So many of my clients come to me during the divorce because issues like this weren’t addressed before the wedding.) Before you and your partner move in together, talk about the logistics. If you can’t agree on compromises, then moving in together isn’t a good idea.”
“In this case, if the couple had taken the time to talk about the cat and how it would impact their life together, the cat might not have been put in danger,” she added.
Here are some more pics of poor Raven, who got kicked out for some reason that, for most people, is simply unthinkable
“Secondly, house pets are accustomed to having their needs met by their human parents. Asking a cat or dog (or anything else) to defend itself or hunt for food when they’ve never been taught how to do so is inhumane. There’s only so much they know from instinct,” Susan explained.
The life coach added that she wouldn’t have any problem asking this woman to leave at the end of the month. “She’s a human who can take care of herself. The cat was there first, and if the girlfriend wasn’t comfortable with it she shouldn’t have moved in in the first place. By throwing the cat out to fend for itself, the girlfriend showed a lack of compassion not only for the cat, but for the boyfriend, too. This really isn’t the kind of person you want to have a relationship with,” Susan concluded.
The takeaways from this story according to Susan are these: “Make sure the person you’re dating has similar values to yours, and don’t be afraid to communicate openly and honestly. If you can’t, then move on.”