It’s been over a year since foster cats Lita, Lucy and Jelly have been waiting for their forever home. Ideally, that home allows the trio to remain together since they have found comfort in each other during the long wait. Thankfully, they are safe and happy now in foster care, with the adorable photos proving it.
The Trio Finds Each Other in Foster Care
Often in foster homes, cats from different rescue efforts find comfort in each other. Their shared traumatic backgrounds may keep them from trusting humans. But when they connect with another skittish or perhaps find a strong willed soul to help find peace, it’s uniquely beautiful.
For these three felines, they have bonded closely while waiting for their forever homes. Because they have been waiting FOR OVER A YEAR for the right person to discover them! Hopefully, the saying “good things come to those who wait”, will prove itself truthful soon. However, the volunteers with RAPS Cat Sanctuary in BC, Canada, aren’t just trying to get cats adopted out of their organization. They want to ensure that it’s the right home for the fragile felines in their care. And Lita, Lucy and Jelly deserve nothing less.
Meet the Sweets
Lita is the wise elder of the trio; at the age of only a year and a half. The stunning torbie, a tabby/tortoiseshell mix, began life during a very traumatic and dangerous time. It was the summer of 2024 in British Columbia where wildfires rages across the land. More than 1.7 million hecates were destroyed; that’s over 2.6 million acres for those of us who don’t use the metric system! And little Lita was already a mama to five little kittens, which is traumatic in itself. The young family was luckily evacuated during the fires and found themselves in the care of the organization.
Lita’s fosterer describes this beautiful mama as affectionate, comical, cheerful, soft-hearted & delicate and slightly quirky in the sweetest way.
Lucy the beautiful tortoiseshell kitten is the last of mama Lita’s babies to be adopted. Her siblings, Luigi and Lois were adopted out together and their family knows that these kittens are wonderful family members.
This sweetie as inquisitive, spirited, mischief maker, whimsical and a lover of splashing around in her water bowl!
Jelly is the baby of the trio and about 6 months old. She was rescued during a trapping project, found with her siblings just trying to survive. She was not feeling well, but the sickly kitten was introduced the Lita and Lucy, finding healing in the foster families love.
Jelly’s fosterer describes her as charming, spry, chipper, sweet, lover of shenanigans and piggyback rides!
Jelly trying to figure out why they haven’t been adopted yet
Time For the Trio to Find Their Humans
As mentioned, the dedicated foster team and staff with RAPS will wait until the purrfect home and humans come forward. They know the ideal home will welcome all three felines together to allow them to remain a family. But also there is reality to contest with.
In a purrfect world this trio would go home together as they are wonderfully bonded. At the least, Lucy and Jelly will be adopted as a pair while Lita will be considered for adoption with another cat from the RAPS Adoption Centre or into a home that already has a feline family member.
Let’s all share to help these cats find their happy ending, hopefully together! Be sure to follow RAPS online and to find the adoption application. =)
All Photos Property of RAPS Cat Sanctuary