For Monica, she is a woman who was once a budding crazy cat lady that dreamt of having a kitty of her own. When she was just nine years old, her family obliged her wishes and got her a kitty. Together, the two have grown up in Canada as the very best of friends. Monica, now a young lady, and Pico, a sweet senior boy kitty, who has a most unique feature that’s drawing attention on social media.
You see, Pico lives with a condition called bilateral glaucoma, but for Monica, this has not changed her love for him. And if anything, she strives to make sure that he will live the most beautiful life possible until his very last breath. The condition arose five years ago, and he has lost his sight completely since then.
I caught up with Monica after catching sight of Pico in a New York Post article, and thankfully, she agreed to tell me more about her unique feline.
So, everyone meet Pico!
How did Pico come into your life?
When I was nine years old I really wanted a cat and finally, my parents agreed on my birthday I would get a cat, we decided to get a cat from the vet who needed a home, and when we called they said there was one cat who is looking for adoption, he was in a coma from a car accident and was recovering successfully and when we met him we instantly knew he was for us, he was cuddly sweet and adorable and we took him home ( he had green eyes back then)
How did Pico get his name?
My dad came up with the name Pico because my cat has dots on his body and dots in French is Pico!
What is his personality like?
He is like a big baby, he loves to have attention, he follows me around the house just so I can pet him, he’s always cuddly, he always sleeps with me on my bed, and he has an obsession with brushes he loves when I brush him!
What are his favorite hobbies?
He loves to sleep and eat! He sleeps almost all day long when it’s time for food he gets all excited and loves food so much, during summer. He loves to go outside it’s his favourite thing to do, he loves to explore and lay in the sun.
What’s something special you’d like people to know about Pico?
As you all know he’s blind, but he knows where he’s going mostly he knows his way around the house, and I’ve had him for eight years and the bond with him is so great that I would do anything for him. For the people worrying about his eyes he’s not in any kind of pain, I already went to the vet multiple times, we do give him eye drops to help him, so I don’t want people to worry about him I take care of him like a king.
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