Rescue Boxer Saves an Abandoned Mother Cat and Her Kittens

Rescue Boxer Saves an Abandoned Mother Cat and Her Kittens

A stray cat and her four babies were saved by an 11-year-old rescue dog, and now the mama cat even lets her big Boxer rescuer help her care for her babies.

Gina the Boxer had a rough start in life. Her previous owner used to have her chained in his yard day and night and would repeatedly beat her.

She also gave birth once during winter time and her puppies drowned in the mud, this was because Gina was chained up and she couldn’t take them to a safer place.

Eventually, Gina was rescued from her abuser’s care and adopted by a wonderful woman named Mary when she was three years old.

This lovely dog finally had the good life she deserved. Eight years later when they were both out on a walk, Gina spotted a mama cat next to a garbage bin along with her four kittens.

This big, caring doggie insisted on pulling Mary until she led her to the spot where the cat with her kittens was.

Mary named the mama cat Lucy and took her and the kittens home with her.

Since then, Gina became their loyal bodyguard and friend, looking out for them every step of the way.

Mary decided that the best thing for Lucy was to have a home with her and Gina, and she would find forever homes for her lovely kittens when they were old enough.

I do love a rescue story with a happy ending!

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