NT. Ashton:The adorable kitten that found refuge under the car covered in oil now enjoys a happy life

NT. Ashton:The adorable kitten that found refuge under the car covered in oil now enjoys a happy life

Kitten Found Under A Car, Now Safe And Happy

Meet Ashton the tiny fuzzball who owes his life to the kind people that saved him from under a car.

“His name is Ashton and he was reportedly found under a car here in San Francisco covered in oil! Animal Care & Control San Francisco and Tonis Kitty Rescue took him in, cleaned him up, and now he’s in foster care, and spends his days being the cutest kitten in the entire world,” said Josh Norem, the Furrtographer.

Ashton was found under a car covered in oil. This is him arriving at Tonis Kitty Rescue

Getting love and cuddles from the staff

Making a big step!

Who can resist that face!


Cute kitty rump

Safe, warm and happy now

All grown up now:

Photos courtesy of Josh Norem via The Furrtographer (Facebook page) and Tonis Kitty Rescue. Check out more rescues at Animal Care & Control San Francisco and Tonis Kitty Rescue on Facebook.

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