Kitten Lets Nothing Hold Him Back, Now Has Cat-adoring Friend by His Side and Promise of Great Life

Kitten Lets Nothing Hold Him Back, Now Has Cat-adoring Friend by His Side and Promise of Great Life

A stray kitten let nothing hold him back. Now, he has a cat-adoring friend by his side and the promise of a great life.


A tiny white kitten was spotted near an animal rescue, Hearts Alive Village, with a small sock covering his left ear, which was packed with gauze.

“Someone cared enough to help stop the bleeding but then abandoned him near a busy road in a parking lot. Another person walking by found him and frantically rushed him into the rescue,” Nikki, an animal rescuer and fosterer, shared with Love Meow.

Nikki quickly stepped in to help the 5-week-old kitten and took him to the vet.

stray kitten ear roadNikki

“The vet took him to the back to check him out. She shaved his ear so that she could get a better look, and there were some small puncture wounds.”

Though they had no idea what had happened to the kitten or how he ended up that way, they were relieved to find that the wounds on his ear were minor.

white kitten rescued earNikki

“He was otherwise healthy. He had good energy and a ferocious appetite.”

After they cleaned and treated his ear, he dashed to a food dish and devoured its contents like there was no tomorrow. Once his belly was full, his playful, mischievous, energizer-bunny personality emerged.

stray kitten safe earNikki

Nikki set up a cozy pen to keep the kitten, Diego, safe, but the brave little guy wouldn’t be contained.

When she returned to check on Diego, she was surprised to find him strutting about outside his playpen. After a bit of investigating, she discovered Diego, the little escape artist, had simply hopped the fence with his impressive agility.

kitten escapes penNikki

Nikki also noticed that Diego would chase toys whenever he saw them, but he couldn’t hear them. He could purr and meow just like any other cat, yet he never responded to her voice or other sounds.

“He is such a sweet little boy. He’s not afraid of anything, including the vacuum, and that makes sense because he’s deaf.”

kitten playful tunnelNikki

Diego loves company and doesn’t like being alone. Nikki lets him out of his room whenever she’s home and supervises him as he socializes with other furry residents.

When he met Bradley, the dog, he immediately ran up to her. “Bradley is used to the foster kittens but doesn’t typically interact with them. She was so gentle with Diego and started playing with him right away.”

kitten dog friendsDiego and BradleyNikki

“Bradley is such a good girl. Diego is so interested in her, and he follows her around the house and even steals her bed.”

Diego loves to snuggle up in the dog bed with his canine friend, often grabbing her face for attention. Despite his small size, he acts as if he’s the boss of the house, calling the shots.

dog kitten playful snugglesNikki

After rounds of play, Diego finds a comfy spot to nap and recharge. Whether it’s a big chair, a large bed, or a comfy rug, he curls up like a perfect dollop of cream and drifts off to sleep.

When Nikki walks in, he keeps snoozing until she wakes him with a gentle touch. Excited to see his foster mom, he gets up to greet her, eager for pets and attention.

tiny kitten sleepingNikki

“His favorite thing to do is run through the kitty tunnel. I can hear him in the other room running in and out of it over and over again because it crinkles. He can’t hear it, of course, but maybe he can feel the crinkling as he runs through it.”

When Diego isn’t zooming around his indoor playground, he trots over to offer Nikki some “help.” “My nosey co-worker climbed on the table and started licking my soup.”

kitten office helperNikki

The little stray found near a busy road has blossomed into a bundle of energy with a fearless attitude and a love for company.

He’s discovered another favorite napping spot, a cozy kitty couch, where he blends in effortlessly, almost disappearing into the cushions.

kitten couch sleepingNikki

Share this story with your friends. More on Diego and Nikki’s fosters on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: Cat, Size of a Small Bobcat, Found Wailing in Front of House Until a Couple Scoops Him Up and Finds Him Help

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