Maverick, the adorable little kitten, came into this world with an extra chromosome but he carries on with life just like any other feline, without a care in the world.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary came to Maverick’s rescue when he was just six months old after being surrendered to the New York Animal Care Center. With his charming crossed eyes and lovable personality, he won over the hearts of everyone he met at the shelter.
Maverick was always ready for head bumps and purrs, seeking attention from volunteers who quickly grew fond of him. Since the shelter had limited resources, they knew Maverick needed a rescue that could provide him with the best possible future.
Volunteers contacted Tara Kay, the passionate founder of the Odd Cats Sanctuary in Salem, Massachusetts, to see if she could offer Maverick a helping hand.

The Unique Feline Sanctuary
The Unique Feline Sanctuary is dedicated to the well-being of special-needs cats and kittens. They not only agreed to take Maverick in, but also committed to providing him with ongoing care to ensure he has a forever home and a dedicated guardian. Maverick was born with a genetic condition similar to Down Syndrome in humans (an extra chromosome) and also has a mild form of hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain).

The Unusual Feline Haven
“Although he may appear unique, deep down he’s just like any other typical cat,” Tara shared with Love Meow.
Upon his arrival at his new residence, Maverick wasted no time in showing his affection, immediately purring and playfully tapping Tara with his paw. “He’s such a sociable little guy. He enjoys engaging in conversations and is quite the chatterbox.”

At The Odd Cat Sanctuary, the little feline easily made himself at home and seemed as though he belonged there forever. Before long, his cheeky and spirited nature shone through as he frolicked and pranced around the sanctuary.

Check out Maverick at The Odd Cat Sanctuary! Although his eyesight may not be perfect and he may breathe a bit louder due to his unique, smushed face, he is a content and thriving kitty. Enjoy watching this adorable video of Maverick living his best life at the sanctuary.
Meet Maverick the cat on his YouTube channel. Maverick is a social butterfly, spreading his friendliness to both people and other furry creatures. His signature move? Greeting new friends with gentle head butts.

The Unique Feline Haven
Tara mentioned, “He quickly befriends all the cats, enjoying playing and wrestling with every feline he encounters.” Presently, the affectionate cat has found a loving family at the sanctuary, receiving all the cuddles and attention he could ever desire.

The Unique Feline Shelter
Maverick doesn’t dwell on his differences and enjoys every moment to the max.
He loves to purr loudly when getting pets and isn’t afraid to make his needs known.

Don’t forget to spread the word about The Odd Cat Sanctuary! Keep up with Maverick’s escapades by following him on Instagram. Stay connected with The Odd Cat Sanctuary on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.