His Family Abandoned Him, His Second Family Returned Him, Will YOU Be the Hero Senior Cat Ebon Deserves?

His Family Abandoned Him, His Second Family Returned Him, Will YOU Be the Hero Senior Cat Ebon Deserves?

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We are all aware by now, that it is exponentially harder to adopt out a senior cat versus a newly arrived kitten. But as we’ve mentioned before, there are numerous benefits of choosing to be loved by an older feline. Their personalities are already formed, no chewing during “teething” and snuggling is preferred to bouncing off the walls. So to read the story of sweet 10 year old cat Ebon, it’s baffling that he hasn’t yet been chosen by his forever family. And he is certainly deserving of a family who will NOT give up on him. Because that has so far been his tale.

The Backstory of Sweet Ebon

We all became aware of this tuxedo cat through the amazing photography of Albert Harris. Not only does he provide photography services for weddings and other events, he uses his skills in the best way possible. 

It is truly a profound honor to share the stories of these incredible animals from shelters who have opened their hearts and allowed me to give them a voice. These animals, who have faced so much, deserve to be seen, heard, and loved. [And]I am deeply grateful to play even a small part in helping them find the homes they so truly deserve. Giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves is not just a passion of mine. It’s a calling that fills my heart with purpose and hope.

And that is how he discovered senior cat Ebon at the Washington D.C. Humane Rescue Alliance. Albert uses his social media to showcase these animals and can even say that all the animals he’s shared have found homes! Which is what Ebon needs the most right now. 

Meet Ebon, a gentle 10-year-old senior cat with a heart full of love, longing for a place to call home and a family to cherish him once more. This is his story, a tale of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of love which is perfect for this Valentine’s Day.

Given Up On at Every Turn

The oversized tuxedo cat didn’t spend his life unloved, in a shelter or even fighting to survive on the streets. He was in a loving home with a family for over a decade. But then everything changed. 

In June 2024, Ebon’s world changed forever. After a decade of companionship, his family made the difficult decision to surrender him to the shelter. It wasn’t his fault, he had been a loyal and loving companion since he was a tiny kitten. But life’s circumstances led them to part ways, leaving Ebon confused and heartbroken.

But things weren’t completely hopeless for Ebon and only a month later, he was adopted. However, less than a year after that, he was returned to the shelter. Thankfully, he wasn’t just abandoned to the streets. But it’s heartbreaking to see the cat who just wants love, having no one to love. 

The family’s home was too small to accommodate the tension between Ebon and their resident pets. Though the scuffles never escalated into anything serious, the family felt it was best to bring him back, suggesting he might thrive in a home without other cats. The shelter, as always, emphasized the importance of patience and gradual introductions, but sometimes, even with the best intentions, things don’t work out.

Senior Cat Back at the Shelter

While at times it’s unavoidable, the shelter setting is usually worse for senior cats. Not because they aren’t cared for in any sense; usually volunteers shower senior cats knowing they will be overlooked by adopters. It’s simply the tiny adorable kittens that pull the attention and are adopted first. But Ebon wasn’t about to let his misfortune in life affect his “ Albert shared Ebon’s story in February 2025 and it unexpectedly went viral, with more than 200,000 people viewing it! Yet, not one person reached out to apply for the sweet senior. Now, he’s pleading for the right family to come forward and welcome Ebon into their home. 

Ebon is a cuddle bug, a senior cat who just wants to be loved and to love in return. He’s not asking for much, just a warm home, a soft bed, and someone to share his golden years with. But for some reason, no one has stepped forward for him. Maybe it’s because people see his age and think he’s too much to take on. Maybe it’s because they fear the heartbreak of saying goodbye too soon. But here’s the truth: Ebon’s age isn’t a burden it’s a gift. Senior cats like him have so much love to give, and they deserve to spend their remaining years in comfort and happiness.

I don’t know who would want this sweet boy. [But] I know there’s someone out there who can see past his age and into his heart. Someone who understands that adopting a senior pet isn’t about the time you’ll have with them it’s about the love you’ll share. No matter how long or short that time may be. You know what to do.

Please reach out to Humane Rescue Alliance to complete an application so we can post an updated story of Ebon in his NEW HOME! 

Thank you so much to Albert Harris for taking up the mission to help the voiceless. Please be sure to follow him here to join in finding furever homes for the most overlooked and deserving of souls. 

All Photos property of Albert Harris </strong>

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