Heartbreaking image of 4 yellow cats and kittens, why are they lying there?

Heartbreaking image of 4 yellow cats and kittens, why are they lying there?

Heartbreaking image of 4 yellow cats and kittens, why are they lying there?

I went to pick up my son from school, next to me was the school my son attended. I go this way because it is convenient to go to the fields to pick vegetables and cook. It had just rained so the road had puddles of water.

God, I passed a pack of cats lying on the street. God help, I see a bunch of kittens and a mother cat. The cats look so pitiful. Maybe the dead mother cat lies next to the kittens meowing bewilderedly. I touched the kittens and found them wet. I took off my coat to hug the cats.

I touched the mother cat and saw that it was still breathing, I knew that luckily she was still alive and I would quickly bring them home. I prepare them a warm bed, I hope they will be well. I have used a clean towel to wipe the eyes, nose and face of the cats, I know that they must be clean to get well.

The mother cat is weak I will have to give her medicine. This is a tonic specifically for kittens and puppies, but is also very good for adult cats. Fortunately, the cat took all the pills. I made milk to feed the kittens, I found that their mother was sick and could not produce milk.

The kittens ate very well, perhaps because it was so hungry. Luckily I met the cats or they were in danger. Now I think the most important thing is a sleep with them. 3 days later they were healthy, the mother cat was able to eat well. I feel very happy. I gave the cat a small fish, no0s ate it very well because cats love fish. Thank you for watching the video! Wishing everyone peace and happiness.

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