Today is my birthday, but the absence of any birthday wishes so far has left me feeling a bit sad. As the day unfolds, I can’t help but notice the silence surrounding me, contrasting sharply with the joyful celebrations I had hoped for. Birthdays are often seen as a time for love and recognition, and when those well-wishes are missing, it can evoke feelings of loneliness and unworthiness. I find myself questioning why no one has reached out and whether my connections with others are as strong as I believed.

Yet, amid this sadness, I realize that my worth isn’t solely dependent on external validation. It’s essential to practice self-love and cherish my own accomplishments, regardless of how others perceive me. While I may feel overlooked today, I can still create my own joy through reflection and gratitude for the good things in my life. This birthday serves as a reminder that every day is an opportunity for self-appreciation, and I hope to turn this moment of sadness into a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Even without the wishes, I can still celebrate the unique journey that is my life.
Ashton:The adorable kitten that found refuge under the car covered in oil now enjoys a happy life
Kitten Found Under A Car, Now Safe And Happy
Meet Ashton the tiny fuzzball who owes his life to the kind people that saved him from under a car
“His name is Ashton and he was reportedly found under a car here in San Francisco covered in oil! Animal Care & Control San Francisco and Tonis Kitty Rescue took him in, cleaned him up, and now he’s in foster care, and spends his days being the cutest kitten in the entire world,” said Josh Norem, the Furrtographer.
Ashton was found under a car covered in oil. This is him arriving at Tonis Kitty Rescue
Getting love and cuddles from the staff
Making a big step!
Who can resist that face!
Cute kitty rump
Safe, warm and happy now
All grown up now:
Photos courtesy of Josh Norem via The Furrtographer (Facebook page) and Tonis Kitty Rescue. Check out more rescues at Animal Care & Control San Francisco and Tonis Kitty Rescue on Facebook.
Meet Janie: The adorable kitten who was rescued from the street with its unique colored fur captivates everyone who encounters her
Today, let us introduce you to one recent internet sensation named Janie. She’s a tiny (and super adorable) kitten who, a couple of months ago, was rescued after being found abandoned on the side of the road in Ontario, Canada. Why do people adore her so much, you ask? Well, first of all, she’s absolutely adorable. And secondly, she has this uniquely-colored fur that makes her look like a tiny baby raccoon.
After being fund, the kitten was brought to the Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue. According to Melissa, the founder of the rescue, the kitty was quite active and vocal despite weighing only 82 grams. Melissa had a plan to keep Janie in an incubator for 2 weeks, bottle-feed her, and when she was proven to be medically clear, introduce her to the cat mommy named June, who was rescued as a pregnant cat a few weeks prior. And that’s exactly how it all went.
Janie is now a strong and active kitten adored by thousands of people all around the world. Turns out, the silvery coat that stole pretty much everyone’s heart is known as a “fever coat” and it typically occurs when the mother is ill while being pregnant. There’s nothing dangerous about it to the kitten, though! However, the cat will probably lose the color once she grows up.
Bored Panda invites you to sit back and enjoy some of the most adorable photos of little Janie. Besides, we had a chance to ask Mellissa some interesting questions, so make sure to look for her answers down below.