Cat Always Runs for His Life Until They Take Him Inside, He Can Finally Be Himself and Do What He Loves Most

Cat Always Runs for His Life Until They Take Him Inside, He Can Finally Be Himself and Do What He Loves Most

A cat always ran for his life until they took him inside. Now, he can finally be himself and do what he loves most.

Kate at PuppyKittyNYCity

A tabby cat was found on the street a few months ago, fleeing from other strays that had chased him out of their territory.

He was “starving and bullied by another cat,” unable to fend for himself outdoors. Thankfully, rescue volunteers stepped in and brought him to safety. Though initially shy and wary, he began to lower his guard once he realized he was safe.

Kate, a volunteer with PuppyKittyNYCity, offered to foster the deserving boy. Soon after he settled in, his shy demeanor melted away.

snuggly happy cat safeHe was so happy to be safe indoorsKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

From the moment the cat, Majin, arrived, it was clear he wasn’t meant for the outdoors. As soon as he got comfortable, he hopped onto his foster mom’s lap for some well-deserved cuddles.

He was ravenous, devouring all his food in one go. Still used to fighting for scraps on the street, he ate as if he didn’t know when his next meal would come.

cat shy auto feederKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

“Since being in his foster home, he’s blossomed into a confident, loving, energetic cat. He still has some food insecurity and does best with small, frequent meals throughout the day,” Kate shared.

Before long, he found his favorite spot—right on his human’s lap.

snuggly lap cat sleepingKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

“Majin is honestly the perfect cat. He will pester you for food with the cutest mews and loves snuggling (sometimes right on your chest) and chin scratches. He’s even been warming up to the occasional belly rub.”

Whenever he sees someone on the couch, he cozies up next to them, gently placing a paw on them as if to offer comfort and emotional support.

sweet cat emotional supportKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

“He’s a very smart, curious boy, and he loves learning tricks like high-five and sit with his foster mom. He’s litter-box perfect and will even use a covered box. He loves his cat tree, playing food puzzles, and entertaining himself with a variety of toys.”

He loves being the first thing his foster family wakes up to each morning, brightening their day with his silly, playful antics.

cat happy rollingKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

In a quiet and comfy home, his personality has truly blossomed. When he is not racing around or leaping up and down the cat tree, he’s likely draped over his human’s lap in complete contentment.

At about two years old, he is delighted to leave the street life behind and spend his days cuddling with his people.

sleeping lap catKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

Majin hasn’t quite meshed with the resident cat, but he truly thrives as the center of attention, happily trailing his humans from room to room, eager to lend a helping paw.

He enjoys holding hands with them, always finding a way to stay connected.

tabby cat holding handsKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

This ball of energy relishes every opportunity to explore vertical spaces and engage in mischief-making. He has come a long way from his days as a street cat and doesn’t miss that life one bit.

tabby cat couch treeKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

“He’s been thriving on a high-protein diet, and his fur is soft and glossy. He has no desire to be an outdoor cat and seems very used to indoor life.”

He enjoys surveying his domain from atop a cat tree.

tabby cat treeKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

Thanks to the compassionate volunteers, Majin can finally be his true self, living the life he’s always dreamed of.

Now, he’s ready to find a forever home where he will be loved and spoiled endlessly.

tabby cat stunningKate at PuppyKittyNYCity

Share this story with your friends. More on Majin and PuppyKittyNYCity on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: They Take in an ‘Unwanted’ Cat and Not Only Uplift Her Life but Also Bring Hope to Four Kittens

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