This is the story of Brimley!
Brimley is a gorgeous white Persian Cat who was rescued from a neglectful breeder. He was in horrendous shape and he had very a very severe eye infection.
This gorgeous kitty was brought to
Seattle Persian and Himalayan Rescueto recover.
Brimley was only there for a few days when he met a special man who was merely there to foster Brimley.
However, it was true love at first sight!
This was taken the day Brimley met his new “foster dad.”
Brimley was in terrible shape and had a good chance of losing one of his eyes. However, having been given eye drops twice each day, painkilling pills and other various ointments, both of his eyes healed up naturally and Brimley escaped having to have surgery.
Brimley in his new place!
“I’ve actually never been much of a cat person, but completely fell in love with Brimley the second I met him. He’s such a sweetheart, relishes having a good home for the first time,” Brimley’s human dad stated.
Brimley doesn’t like it when it’s time for his new dad to leave the house!
Belly rubs make everything better!
With a lot of patience and love Brimley has turned into one beautiful, white fluff-ball!
“You can’t see me!”
“I’ve got a new cattitude!”
In the end, Brimley never left his foster home. He chose his foster dad the day they met each other, and neither one of them was able to part with the other!
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