Aries the Spider Cat Becomes Ambassador For Special Needs Kitties

Aries and his siblings began their journey at a countryside shelter after their mother, Diana, a three-legged feral cat, was discovered pregnant and ensnared.

The cold environment they were born in and below par heating system at the shelter raised concerns for the well-being of the newborn kittens.

Diana’s wild nature also added to the stress, which made the shelter’s team apprehensive about her ability to care for her litter.

They decided it was time to reach out to local rescues for assistance.

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Tracy Pitisci, a dedicated foster parent, learned about Aries and his siblings and took them under her wing via Ana’s Angels rescue.

Shortly after their birth, the entire feline family made their way to the Tracy’s house in Jacksonville, Florida.

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The initial hours were challenging as the stressed Diana had not reeally nursed her kittens.

Upon settling them in, Tracy noticed Aries’ unique legs, bent and oriented incorrectly. Despite the surprise, everyone was hopeful for his future.

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With love and care, Diana began to nurse and nurture her kittens.

As the kittens thrived, this caring family turned their attention to aiding Aries with his leg condition.

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“We inspected the kittens and that is when we noticed Aries’ legs,” explained Tracy on social media.

“They were completely bent up against his stomach. You could tell the joints were not facing the correct direction. We knew he would have a long road ahead if he made it, but we believed he could.”

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Unlike his siblings, Aries found it really difficult to climb out of his playpen and while all of the other kittens were learning to walk, he looked like he was scurrying around rather than taking steps.

“A veterinarian recommended that we bind his back legs using medical tape and gauge. It did seem to help keep his legs from splaying out and we were hoping that it would help him to strengthen his gluteus muscles.”

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Tracy’s family felt that Aries’ distinctiveness only added to the love they felt for him.

Committed to providing him the best life, and after ensuring the adoption of his siblings, they chose to permanently adopt Aries and, eventually, Diana too.

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This caring family embraced both special needs cats wholeheartedly.

Aries, with the unwavering support of his family, takes on life with vigor, unaware of his difference.

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His enthusiasm is evident and his curiosity means he’s always ready to explore.

He would often go on adventures outdoors with his family and has been seen climbing and sliding down at the park, going on boat trips or taking time out on the beach.

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Aries’ charm captivates everyone who meets him, making him an unintentional ambassador for cats with special needs.

His story is a testament to love and acceptance.

And his mission as an ambassador cat shows us that even with a disability, life can be amazing!

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Tracy and her family are so thankful to have Aries and Diana in their lives.

“Every day, we are filled with gratitude for welcoming Aries and his family into our lives,”explains Tracy. “He has indeed transformed us.”

See Aries in action in the video below:

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