Alоs Thе Cаt Нas The Mоst Hyрnotizing Eуes

Alоs Thе Cаt Нas The Mоst Hyрnotizing Eуes

Meet Alos, the 2-year-old cat whose amazing eyes are making him the newest Internet sensation. This slightly cross-eyed Turkish Van cat hails from Bursa in Turkey and his striking green and blue eyes are really quite mesmerising.

The different coloration of Alos’ eyes is the result of a condition known as heterochromia which is caused by the relative excess or lack of melanin. “His eyes are the most beautiful in the world to me,” says his human Burcu Kaynak. “It does not affect his vision at all, people are very interested in him, whether it’s on social media or when walking outdoors.”

Also has over 10,000 followers on Instagram, which is no surprise when you see how beautiful he isоs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

His mesmerizing eyes are just like David Bowie’sоs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

His human loves him very much!оs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

They have been together since Alos was a kittenоs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

His striking eyes are making him the latest internet kitty sensationоs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

What an adorable face!оs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.pngоs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

And cheeky too!оs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

We think he’s a big hit!оs-Thе-Cаt-Нas-The-Mоst-Hyрnotizing-Eуes.png

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