Affectionate, One-Eyed Kitty Has Hope For The Future With New Family

Affectionate, One-Eyed Kitty Has Hope For The Future With New Family

GreaterGood helps people and animals all over by helping care for needs that might otherwise not be met. One of our favorite programs, Rescue Bank, provides food to shelters so that they can feed the pets in their care and use their funding for other things – like medical care.

Teagan is a sweet cat whose story is a great example of how Rescue Bank benefits shelter cats. Azrael’s Place and his forever family tell us about his happily-ever-after.

“Teagan came from a hoarding situation. He had a terrible eye infection, and we had to do a surgery to remove it. He was a 3-month-old kitten at the time. Thanks to our amazing vet, he recovered nicely. We could not help kittens like Teagan without the generous help from Rescue Bank!”

– Azrael’s Place NFP

From his adopters:

“We met and fell in love with Neville (formerly Teagan) in late December 2017.

“After a year of our elderly cat passing, we had adopted Peeta, a 1-year old cat from the Anti Cruelty Society/PetSmart in Chicago. Peeta was very playful, and we felt that he needed a young friend. We saw Neville/Teagan at our local Petco/Azrael’s Place and saw he had broken into the adjacent kitty’s cage to be close to him.

“We thought he looked like he would be a good pal for Peeta since he wanted to be with another kitty. Neville had lost an eye to a bad infection and surgically had it removed just a month before. His personality was so friendly and easy going we fell instantly in love. Our cat Peeta did too. They are the best play buddies and are inseparable.

We knew immediately that we would be bringing Neville into our home forever, but we do think Azrael’s Place’s way of treating the adoption as a trial foster care is wonderful in ensuring that cats get matched with the right home. We couldn’t be happier with our two sweet kitties.”

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