Abandoned Feline Family Found in Ohio Park Now Safe; Rescuers Have Important Message for The Responsible Party

Abandoned Feline Family Found in Ohio Park Now Safe; Rescuers Have Important Message for The Responsible Party

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Located in between Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio, is the city of Middletown. In that town sits Smith Park, a 96 acre park that offers all the amenities residence could want. One of them being hiking trails along a tree lined path. Except on March 14th, 2025, one of the park trails was hiding something very uncommon for the natural landscape. It was a box filled with a fluffy feline family, abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, park visitors discovered the cats before more tragedy occurred. 

In a seriously fortunate event, the family of cats had stayed together after being abandoned. And the photos of their discovery shows those in cat rescue another sad truth. These felines are clearly not scared of humans and likely not used to the outdoors. They do not seem to have a feral or even stray cat bone in their bodies. None of them wandered in the woods, confidently exploring the big world. They didn’t scatter or run when people approached them.

Which means that they had been in an indoor environment with people for their short lives. Because mama cat trusted people around her babies. Something a stray/feral cat rarely would do. 

That’s the furthest thing from a “Feral” mama look

Thankfully, when good humans found them, they brought them to Josephs Legacy, a non-profit animal rescue in the area. Here, mama could relax with her last litter and they could all find safe homes eventually.

A Message for the Abandoners

Now, cat rescuers can appreciate adorable kittens and have the biggest hearts filled with compassion. And that usually comes as a direct result of having to bury the anger, frustration and rage from seeing this type of situation over and over. So we try to teach the best practices, like TNR and being sterilized, to combat abandonment and surrendering animals. But sometimes you just have to tell it how it is and let the inner turmoil out in a healthy way. 

So when Josephs Legacy introduced these sweet faces, they had the purrfect message for the responsible party. 

To the absolute walnut who abandoned those kittens and their mama in a box at Smith Park in Middletown, OH today:
May all your socks be slightly damp for eternity. May every chair you sit in make that weird squeaky noise. May your phone charger only work at a very specific angle that requires you to stand on one foot while humming the national anthem. May your pizza always arrive lukewarm and slightly squished on one side.

And you know what else? I hope every time you go to drink something, you miss your mouth just a little bit and dribble it down your shirt. In public. During important meetings. I hope every time you try to look cool in front of someone, you trip over absolutely nothing.

You’re the human equivalent of a paper cut between fingers. The living embodiment of stepping on a Lego. The personification of accidentally biting your tongue while eating. May karma find you, and may she be wearing steel-toed boots.
Someone who hopes your next taco falls apart on the first bite.

“These babies are still tiny, they will need to grow before they’re available for adoption” they added.

I also, would love to say far more worst things. The post isn’t a joke. I would likely offend most with the words I’d like to use. I’m not being nice, I am preventing this page from being deleted/unpublished. Trust me, I feel no sympathy for them. I’m down right angry.

The babies are doing great, so is mom. Shes a wonderful momma. She had no real way to help feed them out there, she has NO MILK at all. I’ll be able to better update you as they settle in. The babies are eating, drinking and using the litter box on their own. 🎉 They are safe, loved and have a great momma to watch over them.

Safely in foster care, the kittens are happy turning their home into a park of their own.

Now safe in their dedicated foster system, the family would see the vet to make sure they are all healthy. Because they are all so young still, they have to ‘glow up’ a bit more before adoption applications will be accepted for them. We can’t wait to see what names they come up with too; always fun for fosterers to pick. 

In the mean time, they arrived just in time to celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day holiday. 

Momma cat, though she’s just a sweet young thing herself, is absolutely rocking the whole motherhood gig. She’s like a tiny superhero, making sure her little ones are showered with endless love and snuggles. Talk about #MomGoals!
These little furballs are turning their foster home into their personal playground paradise. Every day is a new adventure as they waddle around, discovering the world one paw step at a time. The best part? They’ve made friends with the resident dogs, and it’s just about the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen – tiny kittens giving puppy dogs a run for their money!


Their favorite activities include: munching on tasty foods (nom nom!), playing the “chase the invisible mouse” game, and perfecting their itty-bitty meows. They’re basically professional cuties-in-training!

We’re absolutely blown away by all the love you’ve shown our little box family. Your comments and shares make our hearts do happy dances! When these precious beans are ready for their forever homes, we just know they’ll find the most amazing families to continue their adventures with.
Stay tuned for more updates on these little bundles of joy – there’s nothing quite like watching tiny paws grow into big adventures! 💕
Be sure to follow Josephs Legacy on Facebook for updates on these cuties and all the others in their care. Let’s help them all find their indoor playground! 


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