Cаt Wаited A Mоnth Outsidе Hоme Destroуed By Сamp Firе To Rеunite With Hеr Familу

Cаt Wаited A Mоnth Outsidе Hоme Destroуed By Сamp Firе To Rеunite With Hеr Familу

It’s been over a month since the Camp Fire was sparked in Northern California. The deadly wildfire leveled Courtney Werblow’s family home in Paradise and their beloved cat, Timber. When the flames touched their home, their cat had gone missing and Courtney Werblow’s family was totally distraught. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find Timber and saved her from the wildfire.

However, the Werblow family was still hoping she survived, they returned their burned home to find Timber and they didn’t expect that they can find their beloved cat from the ashes. When they came back their burned house, Werblow spotted the beige cat with a brown face looking at them from a distance. She knew immediately it was Timber. She started to cry as she called Timber over to her where a bowl of cat food was waiting.

Amazingly, Timber was still in good health despite her difficult circumstance. And now she is back where she belongs and has been reunited with her human after the deadly wildfire. The Werblows are one of hundreds of families lost pets and affected by the devastating Camp Fire. They thought that they would never be seen Timber again. However, they found their beloved cat because they never lose hope.

Werblow recorded an emotional video of the entire reunion here. Please watch the video and share with your friends and family!

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