iilla. “Stretching to Infinity: The Internet’s Obsession with Long Cats” .iilla

iilla. “Stretching to Infinity: The Internet’s Obsession with Long Cats” .iilla

Do you recall the animal panorama fails that went viral some time ago? Well, these photos are quite the opposite. They’re authentic and realistic. While an average cat measures about 46 cm in length from head to body and has a tail around 30 cm long, there are some breeds that differ so much in size they resemble tiny lions or slinkies. One such breed is the Maine Coon, which holds the Guinness World Record for the longest cat ever. Stewie, a Maine Coon, was confirmed as measuring 123 cm from nose tip to tail tip. Bored Panda has gathered pictures of some of the longest cats, and they appear to stretch infinitely. Check out the photos and give a thumbs-up to your favorites! The first photo features a cat who could play Tetris with his length.

He Can Play Tetris

I discovered a strange lizard-like creature in my bathtub.

Found A Weird Reptile In My Bathtub

Salvador Dali was a famous artist who had a beloved cat.

Salvador Dali’s Cat
My Mother In Law's Cat Sits On The Post Like This And Judges The Neighbours

I suppose it’s all about finding what feels comfortable to you.

Whatever Is Comfy I Guess

Watching the sunset is always a breathtaking experience, and it’s even better when our furry friends join us. This time, my pet did a sunset sploot with a bonus crossed paws and fancy tail. It was such a cute and adorable sight to behold. The way his paws were intertwined and his tail held high made my heart melt. It’s moments like these that make us appreciate the little things in life.

Sunset Sploot With Bonus Crossed Paws And Fancy Tail

Our feline friend, who loves basking in the sun, is slowly melting away on our porch.

Our Sunbathing Cat Tiny Melting On The Porch

Receiving your feline friend through the post is not something that happens every day. It’s an unusual occurrence that can catch you off guard and leave you feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. But fear not, as long as you have done your research and trusted the seller, there’s no reason why your new cat won’t be just as healthy and happy as those acquired through traditional methods. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to welcome your furry package to its new home!

When Your Cat Arrives In The Mail

Have you ever come across a feline friend that seems to be longer than the average cat? Some cats just seem to have a never-ending body, which makes them quite unique and fun to look at. Long cats can come in different breeds and colors, but their elongated bodies are what make them stand out from the rest. These cats may need some extra attention when it comes to grooming as their long fur can easily tangle and mat. Nonetheless, they still make great companions and are sure to bring a smile to your face with their quirky appearance.

Long Cat

The Most Relaxing One

The Chillest Of Them All

My adorable grey chonk, Shadow, and quirky noodle cat, Zelda, posed for a picture a couple of years ago when Zelda was still in her adolescent spaghetti phase.

Shadow Is My Beautiful Grey Chonk, And Zelda Is The Weird Noodle Draped Over Her. This Picture Is Taken A Couple Years Old, From When Zelda Was An Adolescent Spaghetti

Longcat is a famous internet meme that features a very long and skinny cat. This meme became popular in the early days of the internet and has since become a staple of online culture. Longcat has been featured in numerous memes, videos, and images, and has even inspired its own fanbase. The enduring popularity of this meme is a testament to the power of the internet to create and spread cultural phenomena. Whether you love or hate Longcat, there’s no denying that it has left an indelible mark on the online world.


The Liquid Phase Competition is now up and running.

Compete Liquid Phase Established

My feline might be malfunctioning, I told Cat Technical Support. They suggested basic troubleshooting steps like turning it off and on, and recharging it. However, when they mentioned throwing water over it, I immediately declined the idea. The CTS then asked for the model of my cat. On another note, whenever my dad stretches, our cat likes to participate.

Every Time My Dad Stretches, Our Cat Likes To Join

Feeling Weary After a Full Day of Feline Duties

Exhausted After A Long Day Of Being A Cat

It’s unbelievable how tall this boy has become.

It's Unreal How Long This Boy Is

Maylon and Jason’s Story

Maylon And Jason

The Limbs Below the Hips

Those Legs

The image depicts a feline that has a coat of black and white fur, which is being held in an inverted position.

This Stretched Black And White Cat That's Being Held Upside Down

Daria Z shared a heartwarming example of trust between individuals three years ago. The post garnered 86 responses, including “View more comments.” The thread was started by user #20, whose username is “Very Long Cat.”

Very Long Cat

Three years ago, a person named Carol Emory posted a comment saying that their cat had melted again. The tone of the comment seemed relaxed and humorous. The comment received 81 replies and several more comments. One of these comments introduced Manasha, the world’s first longcat loaf.

Meet Manasha, The World's First Longcat Loaf

Hey there, it’s Foxxy and I’m feeling pretty confident Three years back, someone mistook a door snake for a cat. Just a friendly reminder, though – door snakes are designed to be placed at the bottom of doors. Keep that in mind! Almost Human Height Long also commented on this post.

Almost Human Height Long

Three years ago, Eunice Probert advised against holding cats in a way that could strain their hearts. This was in response to a post showing a cat being held in such a manner.

Guys, Look How Long I Can Be

Three years ago, Ravina Nimje humorously requested to be painted like the French girls. The comment section received 59 replies and many more comments. One commenter even changed their username to “Windowsill Sploot” in response.

Windowsill Sploot

Carol Emory commented three years ago saying that a certain thing keeps the drafts out. It received 67 replies and some people also found it cute, although they were uncertain about what she was trying to do.

Ok Not Sure What She’s Trying To Do Here But It’s Cute

Hey there, it’s Foxxy and I’m feeling pretty confident This post is from three years ago (with some edits), and it’s clear that the subject is practicing yoga. Specifically, it looks like an upward facing dog pose – although maybe we should consider calling it an upward facing cat pose instead? There are plenty of comments below, so feel free to check them out!

Summer Tora And Winter Tora

Iggy commented three years ago expressing admiration towards the cat’s beauty. Several replies followed, and comment number 27 made a humorous inquiry about whether the cat was actually a snake.

Hello, Is It A Snake?

Three years ago, Raine Soo commented on a post saying that her sister would be terrified of snakes. The post received 30 replies, with users discussing their own experiences with snakes. The post was listed as #28 in a thread titled “It’s Been A Loooong Day.”

It's Been A Loooong Day

Three years ago, Kathy Smith commented on how beautiful the cat in the picture is. Since then, there have been 50 replies and numerous comments. The 29th comment is about a cat named Janeway, who has apparently found a new napping spot in the bathtub. The owner took a photo of Janeway and captured the perfect moment when the feline stretched out.

My Cat Janeway Has Decided Her New Napping Spot Is In My Bathtub. I Went To Take A Picture And She Stretched At The Perfect Moment

Three years ago, Raine Soo commented on a post about Janeway, admiring the name and comparing the cat’s appearance to the Puma logo. The post received 47 replies and numerous comments. It is the 30th entry in the “Eat Your Heart Out, Longcat” series.

Eat Your Heart Out, Longcat

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