Bolognese (Bolo) Dog Breed: Main Characteristics & Care Guide

Bolognese (Bolo) Dog Breed: Main Characteristics & Care Guide

Bolognese (Bolo) originated in Italy and is known for its its loyal, affectionate, charming personality, and makes great companions for families and individuals.

If you are considering bringing a Bolognese into your home, it is essential to understand its main characteristics and care requirements.

Bolognese Dog Breed Overview
Credit: Internet

1. Bolognese Dog Breed Overview

The Bolognese is a small toy dog breed that is part of the Bichon family.

They has small & dark eyes, black nose, floppy ears, and a unique curly, ruffled white coat that grows upward on the top of the head

Weighs: 6 to 10 pounds
Height: 10 to 12 inches
Coat:Long and fluffy white coat with a cotton-like texture
Life span:12 to 14 years
Main characteristics:Loyal, affectionate
Intelligent and easy to train
Social and get along well with other dogs and pets.
Suitable for:Families and individuals looking for a charming and loyal companion.
Bolognese Dog Breed Overview

2. Care Guide


Bolognese dogs are generally healthy, but they can be prone to certain health conditions such as:

  • Patellar luxation: occurs when the kneecap (patella) becomes dislocated from its normal position in the groove at the end of the femur bone.

    Symptoms of patellar luxation may include a sudden lameness or skipping gait, reluctance to move or use the affected leg, and occasional cries of pain. In mild cases, the kneecap may pop back into place on its own, while in more severe cases, veterinary intervention may be necessary to correct the problem.
  • Cataracts: occurs when the clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy, resulting in vision impairment or loss. In some cases, cataracts can cause blindness.

    Cataracts in Bolognese dogs can be genetic or develop later in life due to aging or other health conditions. Common symptoms include cloudy or milky white pupils, difficulty seeing in dim light, bumping into objects, and increased sensitivity to light.

    Cataracts can be treated through surgical removal of the affected lens.
  • Hip dysplasia: occurs when the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to abnormal wear and tear on the joint and resulting in pain, inflammation, and potentially the development of arthritis.

    Symptoms of hip dysplasia in Bolognese dogs can include stiffness or lameness in the hind legs, reluctance to run, jump or climb stairs, decreased activity, and difficulty rising from a lying position. In severe cases, affected dogs may also experience a loss of muscle mass in the hindquarters.

Regular visits to the vet are important to keep your Bolognese in good health.

Nutrition & Diet

They require a balanced diet, and high-quality dog food with specially formulated for small breeds is recommended.

It is also important to feed them the right amount of food to prevent obesity.


Bolognese dogs have a long, fluffy coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and tangle-free.

Regular brushing is necessary to prevent matting and tangling. They also require regular baths to keep their white coat clean and shiny.

Bolognese dogs also need regular dental care to maintain good oral health.


These intelligent and loyal dogs require early and proper training to ensure they are well-behaved and obedient.

Positive reinforcement training methods work best with Bolognese dogs. Reward good behavior with treats, praise, and playtime.

Socialization is crucial to develop good behavior around other dogs and people. Expose your dog to different environments, people, and dogs to help them become well-rounded and confident.


Regular exercise is important to keep Bolognese dogs healthy and prevent them from becoming bored or destructive, but not need a lot of physical activities.

A daily walk or playing in the backyard is enough to keep them healthy and happy.

Bolognese dogs also enjoy mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys.

Bolognese Care
Credit: Internet

3. Adopt or Buy a Bolognese

If you are interested in adopting or buying a Bolognese, it is important to research to ensure that this breed is suitable for you.

Affectionate and loyal companions

Easy to train

Low-shedding coat

Suitable for families with children
Sensitive and may require gentle handling

– Prone to separation anxiety

– Require regular grooming

Pros & Cons of Bolognese Dog Breed

When looking to adopt or buy a Bolognese, it is important to choose a reputable breeder or rescue organization.

Make sure to ask about the dog’s health and temperament history, and spend time getting to know the dog before making a decision.

4. Overview

The Bolognese dog breed is a charming and loyal companion that is easy to care for. They are intelligent, and social, and make great pets for families and individuals.

Regular exercise, grooming, and visits to the vet can help keep them healthy and happy.

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