Kitten Development: The First Eight Weeks of Life

Kitten Development: The First Eight Weeks of Life

Kitten development in the first eight weeks is a critical period of development.

During this time, kittens undergo significant physical and behavioral changes that set the foundation for their future health and behavior.

In this article, we will explore the different stages of kitten development and what to expect during each stage.

The first eight weeks of a kitten

Week 1

  • Kittens have closed eyes and folded ears, relying entirely on their sense of touch and smell to locate their mother’s milk.
  • They spend the majority of their time sleeping and nursing, which helps them gain weight rapidly. Their weight will be doubled this week.
  • Ensure that the kittens are warm, comfortable, and well-fed during this critical period.
  • It’s crucial to minimize handling and allow the mother to care for her kittens as much as possible to reduce stress and promote bonding.

Week 2

  • The kittens’ eyes start to open, completely open at 9 to 14 days old, and reveal their bright blue irises until six weeks of age.
  • They begin to develop their sense of sight and start to recognize familiar faces and objects.
  • They also start to develop their sense of hearing, and their ears start to stand upright.
  • The kittens continue to nurse and sleep but become more active and playful.

Week 3

  • Kittens start to develop their baby teeth and can now purr, there will be 26 teeth in total.
  • They also start to crawl and explore their surroundings more actively. So, it’s essential to provide a safe and stimulating environment for the kittens to encourage their exploration and development.
  • They may start to use a litter box, but may still need help from their mother.

Week 4

  • A kitten’s teeth will also start to emerge; soft kitten food can be offered, mixed with a kitten milk substitute.
  • They can begin to explore their environment more actively and start to climb, jump, and play with their littermates.
  • Socialization is critical during this period, as the kitten’s brain is highly receptive to new experiences and interactions.
  • The kitten’s weight will have increased significantly, and its fur will have grown thicker and softer.
  • The kitten’s immune system is also strengthening, making it less vulnerable to infections and diseases.
kitten development in the first eight weeks

Week 5 – 6

  • The kitten should be fully weaned and eat canned kitten food.
  • The kitten’s eyes will change from blue to their permanent color.
  • They may start to learn basic behaviors and commands, such as using a scratching post or coming when called.
  • Start to train them to use a litter box.
  • Continue providing socialization opportunities, including interaction with humans and exposure to new environments
  • It’s also important to schedule the kitten’s first veterinary appointment during this period for a health check-up, vaccinations, and deworming if necessary.

Week 7 – 8

  • The kitten’s teeth will continue to come in, and it may begin to chew on things.
  • Kitten’s socialization is critical to ensure it becomes a well-adjusted and friendly adult cat.
  • Continue feeding the kitten a high-quality diet, providing fresh water at all times, and keeping its living environment clean and comfortable.
  • Regular veterinary check-ups are still necessary, and the kitten should receive its second round of vaccinations during this period.


By understanding the different stages of kitten development and what to expect during each stage, you can provide the best care for your kitten and set the foundation for a healthy and happy life.

Remember to provide a safe and stimulating environment for your kitten, allow for bonding and socialization, and monitor their health and behavior closely to ensure their healthy development.



1. Kitten Development From 8 To 12 Weeks

2. Kitten Development From 3 To 6 Months

3. Kitten Development From 6 Months To 1 Year

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