21 Most Wholesome Cat Rescue Photos

Our feline friends, just like humans, need a second chance as these wholesome photos show us.

Whether they’ve been lost, abandoned, or given up, when they arrive at the animal shelter they are all unwanted and helpless.

That is until they get adopted by a caring person or family.

“By adopting an animal in need – no matter the species, breed, or size – you may be saving that animal’s life as well as freeing up valuable shelter space and resources for other animals in need,” Kelly DiCicco, Manager, Adoptions Promotions at the ASPCA Adoption Center told Bored Panda.

You’ll find there’s nothing more rewarding than saving a life. And it’s not just you who’s reaping the benefits of finding a new best friend.

Rescuing a pet also frees up shelter space so more animals can get the care they need, and, most importantly, someone very miserable becomes very, very, very happy.

Take a look at these wholesome photos and you’ll see exactly what we mean.

1. This cat was abandoned and this is his photo minutes after being rescued

2. This is my quarantine cat, I adopted her to help manage her anxiety and prevent her going to the Humane Society. I was told she would hide all day and generally avoid people. After about three hours of being at my place I felt a tapping on my arm


3. Yesterday I adopted a kitten but I think they gave me a meerkat


4. It’s four years since we rescued her and her brother, and she still holds onto us when she sleeps so we don’t leave her 


5. This is little Arietty, patiently waiting for me to throw her toy. I’m starting to suspect that we may have adopted a dog! 


6. My husband wasn’t happy about rescuing this feral cat – now look at him


7. My husband and I rescued a five week old kitten yesterday and I just wanted to share with you. His name is Figaro


8. Two Spanish police officers found a kitten in a bush while doing road control. They rescued the little fur-ball and one of the officers adopted him 


9. I adopted a stray abandoned kitten, look at the difference in his eyes five days later 


10. This is the little baby I’m adopting! She has one pink bean per foot 


11. Just adopted these two loaves… Meet Quinn and Kit! 


12. My grandma adopted her this way after our old cat died at 13 years. Currently undergoing dechonking 


13. When I first rescued him and now! He was found with four other kittens abandoned in a work truck 


14. The time I rescued a crying kitten outside and my cat cuddled her 


15. My rescue cat assuring my recently adopted puppy that she will be alright and is now in a home full of love 


16. We adopted an 11 year old cat from Chicago shelter. He and my 13-year-old daughter fell in love. This is them after she got back from a week at camp 


17. Adopted him last week from the shelter, I think he’s happy about it 


18. Meet Karen and Kevin. Adopt don’t shop 


19. I adopted a senior cat. He is 11 years old and 19lbs. He is my shadow, woke up at 4 am to all 19lbs sleeping on my chest. I named him Goose, he was always meant to be mine


20. We rescued him at just a couple of weeks old and now he thinks I’m his momma, he’s my parro-cat


21. I am a first-time cat owner. Are used to think I was a dog person, but I think I may have been wrong 


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